This is a guideline for the 2024 Texas Bible Bowl competition that contains the rules, regulations, and what to expect during the competition that can be used by new or experienced coaches to get the participants ready for the competition. A PDF copy can be downloaded at the link below.
So that you and your team(s) will be properly prepared, it is necessary for each person to be aware of the policies and procedures of the meet. Following is information you will need at home and at the meet.
I. Before the meet
Team organization
Each team has four members with no alternates. (The computer does not handle substitutions.)
Each student will be identified throughout the meet by an assigned code number. This code is to be used throughout the day.
Team members will sit in the same seat throughout the day.
Study Materials can be found on the Texas Bible Bowl website,
Any method of study that best suits you and your students is allowable.
Each student MUST have a copy of the English Standard Version.
Bibles may be color-coded in any way.
No paper or margin notes of any kind may be added to a Bible/Notebook used in testing.
Photocopied or computer printout pages of the Bible text are allowed. However, margins must be no more than 1in. You can find one already color-coded available for download on the Texas Bible Bowl website.
Quote listings, reference listings, and heading listings are not allowed.
What to bring
EACH PARTICIPANT IS TO BRING A BIBLE. Extras are not provided by Texas Bible Bowl. (Coaches might like to bring an extra.)
Dress is casual. Jeans and tennis shoes are fine.
II. At the meet
Coaches are to report to registration to register teams. REGISTRATION TIME IS FRIDAY FROM 5:00 - 6:00PM. Late registration is Saturday from 8:00 - 9:00 am.
At registration you will check in and make sure all students are registered in the correct division.
For extra players or teams needing players
To participate, an extra player must be on a team. They can be added to an existing team needing a player, or may help in forming an "ad hoc" team.
If you have an incomplete team or extra players, tell the registration desk of your need.
A congregation is entitled to the number of meals equal to the number of enrolled participants.
Teams are to arrive no later than 9:00 a.m.
All testing of all teams will occur in one room.
All players of all divisions receive the same tests.
Coaches are responsible to have their teams in their places on time for each round. If a player is not in their seat when the test begins, they miss that round.
Participants may not consult at any time during the testing.
Study questions may not be used in any part of the testing.
Only the TEXT (which may include foot notes) of the Bible may be used during testing. Students may not use concordances, maps, hand-written notes, or any other study aids. No added paper of any kind may be inside or on a Bible/Notebook during testing.
Time limitations are part of the testing procedure.
In each round, each student will receive the questions in written form. Questions will not be asked orally.
If cheating or the appearance of cheating is understood by a quizmaster or monitor to have occurred, the student will receive a score of zero in the round. Judgment of the official is final and not subject to discussion.
Final scores at the end of the day determine levels of proficiency for teams and individuals.
Team scores are determined by performance in Rounds 1-5, with no regard to the Power Round.
Individual scores are determined by performances in Rounds 1-5 and the Power Round.
No student is allowed to take tests early for any reason.
Team answer sheets and keys to quizzes will be available for pickup after the awards banquet & devotional.
If you have students with special needs, inform the meet director prior to the meet.
III. After the meet
Each congregation is encouraged to give special recognition to its Bible Bowl students in a congregational setting.
Please let the event organizers know how the meet went. This is the only way that we can make the meet better next year.