Texas Bible Bowl cannot happen without the help of a lot of people, and we have been so appreciative of all the help that we have gotten over the past years! Below are the areas in which we are in need of volunteers during the Texas Bible Bowl weekend. If you have someone from your congregation that is coming but not taking the test, we would love to have them help out.
We are in need of at least one person from each participating congregation to work with our Grading Coordinator, (Bill Georgen). You will help hand grade the Power Round and Find the Verse tests. You will sort and organize the Power Round and Find the Verse tests to assist the scorekeepers. After the score sheets have been graded, you will also organize and sort the score sheets for each student. After testing is completed, you will return the score sheets to the correct individual’s packet.
We are in need of people from all participating congregations to help in proctoring and monitoring during the test. You will help the test facilitator (Lisa Kirkwood) with passing out and collecting tests and answer sheets, you will also monitor the test takers encouraging honesty and integrity while taking the test. You will also encourage an environment that will be peaceful for all those who are taking the test.
We are in need of a few people to assist our sports director, Jordan Fontenot, in refereeing the different team sports. You don't need to be particularly athletic to do this job, but you do need a loud voice and the ability to relay instructions and rules to a large group of people. Having your own whistle is always a plus!
A tribe leader is the one who helps your tribe develop relationships that extend beyond the competition. As a lead you will make sure the ice breaker games are moving forward. You help to ensure all the people in your group are participating in the team activities including Saturday afternoon games. You will set the example in participation and cheering for your team.